Student Success & Retention can be affected by several factors-- some academic, and some outside of the university. In this post, we'll explore some of those factors, and see simple ways that Liftoff can help to improve graduation rates on your campus.
Liftoff Academics - Latest Blog Posts
We're proud to announce that we will be exhibiting in New Orleans, LA, from Nov 4 - Nov 7, at the international AACE E-Learn Conference!
With attendees from 40+ countries, this conference allows professionals from all over the globe discuss the latest research, development, and issues surrounding e-learning and online education.
This year's EDUCUASE 2019 conference was a huge success! We were honored to be included in the Start Up Alley section, as well as the Under the Ed Radar Pitch Competition. We learned so much from fellow exhibitors, as well as from the conference participants themselves.
As we mentioned in a previous post, we've been selected to attend and exhibit at the EDUCAUSE annual conference, which itself is an honor and extremely exciting. But today, we're also thrilled to announce we are only 1 of 8 start-up companies selected for the Under The Ed Radar Pitch Competition!
We are pleased to announce the development of a new product for our existing line of Higher Education software: Jetstream! This web-based platform is centered directly on student success, to leverage the powers of EdTech within your existing advising workflow. Read on to find out more: